Mammy Diaries: Protecting Delicate Skin With Bepanthen
When Bepanthen approached me to work with them on this campaign, it was an easy yes from me, why? Because this is what we use anyway. I’ve always used Bepanthen, on both my girls. Since Anabelle was a tiny baby herself, it has been our ‘go to‘ nappy cream to help prevent nappy rash. I use it at every nappy change.

1 in 3 babies will be affected by nappy rash at some point. How do we avoid it?

As we all know, baby’s skin is very delicate, in fact a newborn’s skin, is 40% thinner and softer than adults, leaving it vulnerable and sensitive to any kind of irritants. Bepanthen works by creating a breathable, protective barrier on baby’s little bum to protect against the causes of nappy rash. Life with a baby is hard enough going, so doing our best to avoid nappy rash any way we can is so worth it.
I find at certain times, sore bums can certainly be more prevalent (particularly around teething time) but if used consistently I do find Bepanthen really helps prevent it.

Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment is easy to apply, extremely gentle and contains no perfumes, colours, preservatives, parabens or antiseptics.

Bepanthen contains Provitamin B5 which works to protect and aid the natural recovery of skin.
Now, if anyone has any advice on how to stop my little monkey wriggling, flipping over and basically jumping around the changing table I’d be much obliged LOL!! Honest to goodness, changing her nappy at the moment is HARD.WORK!!! She squeals, leaps, turns over, grabs my hair! It’s a scene in itself! Let alone trying to dress her! I had forgotten just how fun, crazy and…. full on this age is!
What are your top nappy change tips?
‘Til next time
Naomi xxx
**Please note: This is a sponsored blog post in collaboration with Bepanthen, the blog post was written by Naomi in her own words and is based on her own personal experiences.