Star Buy: Floral Midi Skirt

Oh this weeks Star Buy is a goodie ๐Ÿ™‚ How pretty is this rose print A-line midi skirt from online store Chicwish (โ‚ฌ31.39) You canย Shop itย HERE


ChicWish, โ‚ฌ31.39

ChicWish, โ‚ฌ31.39 Shop HERE

How to wear it?

There are lots of ways you could style this skirt – It would look fab with pinks, deep reds and whites/ off whites. Go for a really simple, plain top (worn tucked in) so you don’t take away from the skirt, or make the look too busy! ย A cami top, a crop top, a blouse or a simple top like this one from Coast would work perfectly:

Coast, โ‚ฌ55 Shop HERE

Coast, โ‚ฌ55 Shop HERE

Finish off the look ย with these absolutely FAB pink heels from Kurt Geiger:

Kurt Geiger, โ‚ฌ120

Kurt Geiger, โ‚ฌ120 Shop HERE

Street Style Inspiration

chicwish_5 img_5859

Want to go shopping with The Style Fairy?

Stuck in a style rut? Need a wardrobe update for Winter? Let us help!!
We offer a wide range of personal shopping and styling services, with prices starting at only โ‚ฌ60 per hour for our Face-to-Face Personal Shopping trips (read more about it here)
For more information or to make an appointment email us on
โ€˜Til next time
The Style Fairy xx

New Home

Naomi Clarke is the owner and creator of The Style Fairy. Naomi, a qualified fashion stylist and personal shopper has over 12 years experience in fashion, personal shopping, blogging, styling and PR both in Ireland and abroad. Having spent 2 years working in the fashion industry in Sydney and then in Singapore, Naomi relocated back to Dublin to set up her own business in 2013 and so began The Style Fairy.